Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pentecost:  Dancing, Dreaming, Singing, Breathing, Creating...with Spirit
This Sunday May 27 is Pentecost; the day we celebrate the mysterious and life giving Spirit of God.  As I mull over the scriptures and entertain sermon ideas, these random thoughts come to mind.
"We know the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now." Romans 8:22-27
How is our creation groaning today?  What is the Spirit birthing through these labor pains?
When have you experienced the Spirit's moving or birthing? 
How does the Spirit communicate with you?  In nature?  As intuition?  In the lives and stories of others?  In music?  In scripture?  In worship? 
Do you have a Spirit story to share?  Has there been a time in your life when you said to yourself, "That was the Spirit of God!"
Does the Spirit speak to us and challenge us in the face and words of our enemies?

Please share your thoughts with me.
Spirit Speak!
Pastor Deb

1 comment:

  1. God's spirit speaks to me in a lot of ways. As you know I have not been feeling well for some time. I love to ride my horses but more than that love the male gender horse, a gelding to be exact. Well, I have a mare to ride and for 3 years I have wanted a gelding. This spring the Lord just spoke to my heart (through Joyce Meyers on TV). He basically said to enjoy the blessing I already had. So that is what I did. I decided to enjoy Shelley my mare and be happy with what I had and not wish for other things. I forgot about getting a gelding.
    Then a couple weeks ago this opportunity came up. A gelding was for sale he was the perfect size and temperment for an older person. I went and looked. Liked what I saw. Then came home and prayed. I had to talk to my husband also as we already have enough horses to feed. Well, all said and done I bought the horse. Have had him 2 weeks and been working with him outside, whether I can breathe well or not. But that isn't all of the story. My doctor wanted me to start a pulmonary rehab program. So what better way to do it. I have been brushing, and training this horse since I got him. Some days the breathing was so bad I had to stop and rest a while. But this week my breathing is so much better I can walk to the mail box without much effort. God knew I needed excersise equipment and KNEW this particular horse was just what I needed to get moving. And do you kow what his name is? Her Dancing Pardner. (aka Dakota).
