Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pentecost:  Dancing, Dreaming, Singing, Breathing, Creating...with Spirit
This Sunday May 27 is Pentecost; the day we celebrate the mysterious and life giving Spirit of God.  As I mull over the scriptures and entertain sermon ideas, these random thoughts come to mind.
"We know the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now." Romans 8:22-27
How is our creation groaning today?  What is the Spirit birthing through these labor pains?
When have you experienced the Spirit's moving or birthing? 
How does the Spirit communicate with you?  In nature?  As intuition?  In the lives and stories of others?  In music?  In scripture?  In worship? 
Do you have a Spirit story to share?  Has there been a time in your life when you said to yourself, "That was the Spirit of God!"
Does the Spirit speak to us and challenge us in the face and words of our enemies?

Please share your thoughts with me.
Spirit Speak!
Pastor Deb